…Lesley Bollinger as Tosca, her expressive soprano has a vivid vibrating timbre and is characterized by its great carrying power.

Opernwelt (“Opera World”), German international opera journal

Lesley Bollinger's achievement was brilliant. Her part, ranging from difficult to the very edge of singability, was shaped by her expressiveness and rich use of nuance. Her warm timbre wove the magic of Mallarmé's poetry into Boulez' composition.

Kölner Rundschau (Cologne Rundschau newspaper, Cologne, Germany)

The young soprano Lesley Bollinger also sang the vocally most strenuous moments of her role with admirable intensity. She gave great luminous expression to the raptures, forlornness, spiritual ecstasies, emotional collapses, and the ever-recurring rekindling of Sophie School 's love of life.

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Osnabrück newspaper, Germany)

Therefore, the most beautiful moments of the concert were thanks to the soprano Lesley Bollinger, whose performance of “Songs of a Wayfarer” by Gustav Mahler was an experience. Lesley Bollinger stood out as a ripened singer, up to the demands of the work's musical style, vocal nuances, and tone painting. Her beautiful voice carried effortlessly over the ensemble, knowing how to lament grievously or to warble like a finch, exactly what is called for in Mahler's world of sound. Not once did she have to save herself in unsuitable volume or lose herself in the sentimental, which unfortunately one hears often enough with Mahler. Such a radiant vocal accomplishment was rewarded by long resounding applause by the audience.

“Rheinische Post” (“Rhine Post,” Düsseldorf, Germany)